Sunday, February 22, 2009

that faith thing

im trying to get back into the mood of studying.
oh well, amidst all my hair pulling concerns, its a bit hard to concentrate sometimes ):
hopefully my studying will help eradicate some hair pulling concerns.
sometimes i wish i was out working already. oh wells.
first time in my life i ever thought about such... [stuff]
clearly, 2009 is going to be tough. poor men have their problems
well, so do rich men. and worse, those in the middle.

been drifting quite a bit recently, must really really remember.. not in my own strength, but His.
Been losing sight of that these couple of weeks, clearly the reason for my downswing in moods.
hopefully it'll change soon. faith, such an elusive concept (mostly cos u can't see or feel it)
but faith, something i have had for the past many months... still have it although sometimes it slips into oblivion. sometimes, i just feel like shutting myself in my wardrobe and staring at myself in the mirror, hoping to see through the lively, joyful somewhat carefree exterior.
i kinda think im feeling sad inside and a bit frustrated but somewhere inside me... i see (or feel) a glimmer of hope. must be that faith thing which is so elusive, but which sometimes comes out of the darkness and makes me smile.
thanks be to god. (: please, help me get out the rest of my faith from the dusty moth ball areas in my heart. all my self thought out fantasies and dreams to settle my own problems...
clearly, useless. if i have the big guy above on my side, all my problems will naturally be solved.

see, im smiling again, must be that faith thing God gave me (:

ilovemydaddyandmummyalot (: haha so random i know. but i do.

Monday, November 24, 2008


i am tired.
then again, who isnt?
i can't wait for december to come but before i know it,
january will start again... and so it goes on.

well at least i'm not feeling like its purposeless
its just a ... temporary ephemeral jadedness.

thanks be to God whom i would not be able to pull through without
amidst my worry and concern sometimes,
i know deep down that his grace will carry me through (:

God bless one and all (:

Sunday, October 5, 2008

and so it happens again...

after months of heartache and brain ache,
i had one motivation,
the motivation which kept me going on
--> university life will be easier.

i am gonna bring an action against you!
there was an induced reliance on my part, no make that DETRIMENTAL reliance
as a result of your conduct, i have suffered a physical injury! aka getting fat.
this is paradigm donoghue, sure can get compensation
prs, whoever told me that own up. extra pocket money would be gd. tks! (:

on to cheerier things.

oh wait are there any?

haha loves!

God Bless!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

mark chen owes me.

its only been a week! and i feel like its been an eternity!
MARK CHEN. you owe me big time. hahaha

and the quality of my jokes are dropping!
sighs. tragic. the only thing in life i was reasonably competent at.

Friday, August 29, 2008


let me treasure every moment with u (:

soon i wont be able to

Friday, July 25, 2008


so excited for Bangkok (:

but i've been smiling a lot recently mostly cos of the people around me (:
<3 Constable ACAI's gin gang.

<3 <3 yayy.

ease my troubles thats what you do!


thanks be to God for my blessings!
god bless everyone!

ps tell me what u guys want from BKK

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Met my wonderful wonderful OG today for FLAG practice!
(: (: it was quite fun at gay's house. haha.

hmm my butt bones hurt for some strange reason!
i need to bring a cushion to sit on wherever i go. dang.
it really hurts. i think i need a massage.
rubba rubba!

anywayyy today was great cos i got to see darling pat.
pat can really be a wonderful gangster when she wants/needs to.
haha and karwei. and bing. and... well my OG really just ROCKS.

telebuddy across the continent... so sad....
the telepathic connection that we share... doesnt seem to extend across asia.

sermon last weekend was WONDERFUL (:

ok no more ramblings.
God Bless.
I <3 Constable acai's gin gang! (: